Parts Delivery Management

Track the status of parts order and invoices with straightforward automation. With CDK solutions, your parts department is equipped to keep both your staff and your customers in the loop.

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Stay Accurate
Stay Accurate
Catch and correct errors before they cost you time or money.
Improve the Service Experience
Improve the Service Experience
Keep buyers informed on delivery dates so they can plan accordingly.
Optimize Operations
Optimize Operations
Take advantage of reporting tools, automation and DMS integration.
Parts Delivery Management Features
If there’s one thing truck buyers and truck dealers can agree on, it’s that being in the know is a good thing. With Parts Delivery Management, everyone gets the updates they need about a service job, so things can work smoothly on both ends.
Order & Invoice Tracking
Know where parts are and when you can expect them to arrive at your dealership or warehouse. And thanks to an intuitive Smart Desk dashboard, managers can view parts operation in real-time.
Mobile Sign & Pay
Mobile Sign & Pay
Enable eSignatures and payments from a mobile device, and your team can finish transactions from anywhere in your dealership with just a tablet. Payments are automatically archived to CDK Drive DSDA.
Accuracy Tools
Accuracy Tools
Verify orders and identify issues with deliveries as soon as they miss specified deadlines. Parts Delivery Management tools help parts managers catch errors before they become serious problems.
Powerful Automation
Powerful Automation
Save valuable time thanks to comprehensive parts delivery automation. Pick parts, stage them for delivery, track their progress and generate shipping manifests — all automatically.
DMS Integrated
DMS Integrated
Our Parts Delivery Management tools are part of the larger CDK solutions environment and integrate easily with CDK Drive DMS.
Do More With Parts Delivery Management
Do More With Parts Delivery Management
  • Catch Errors Quickly
  • Catch Errors Quickly

    Delivery errors can leave buyers waiting longer than they expected for a part — a hit to their experience and potentially to their business, too. Our management tools give dealers more oversight of their parts orders, helping them catch issues before they cost your dealership or your customers.

  • Easily Access Information
  • Easily Access Information

    Don’t waste time hunting for specific parts information. The intuitive Smart Desk interface puts all of your parts information on a single, easy-to-understand platform, so your operations are more transparent and getting the information you need is hassle-free.

  • Provide Better Customer Service
  • Provide Better Customer Service

    When your customers feel on the “outside” of a transaction, their experience can suffer. By providing tracking information and more accurate service timelines, your team can help them feel more in control. This helps build trust and loyalty, and can lay the foundation for long-term sales relationships.

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